ICISF Assisted Individuals in Crisis (Peer Support)
January 19th & 20th, 2024
8790 “F” Street, Omaha, NE
8:30 am—3:30 pm both days
Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention that requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called “emotional first aid”. This program is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual crisis intervention.
Nebraska CISM Members and Non-Members Welcome
Register online:
ICISF Assisted Individuals in Crisis (Peer Support)
CISM Assisted Individuals in Crisis with payment
Mail Registration and check to:
Wally Barnett CISM Foundation, 802 Country View, Firth, NE 68358
This training is brought to you by:
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services – Emergency Health Systems
Wallace Barnett Jr. CISM Memorial Foundation
University of Nebraska Medical Center